The Journey of Raised Ministries

From A Single Mission Trip To A Global Force For Good

Our Humble Beginnings

Raised Ministries was born out of a deeply-felt compassion for the spiritual and physical hunger we encountered in our world. In 2002, our founder, Dr. Jerry Cloninger, was invited to join a mission team to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in rural villages in Nicaragua. The country, recovering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Mitch, was engulfed in extreme poverty and malnourishment. We recognized a great need for immediate relief, but more importantly, we recognized an opportunity to foster long-term change. We adopted the philosophy of not just 'giving the people a fish,' but more importantly, teaching them how to fish.

Growing Beyond the First Seed

Our compassion led to the distribution of emergency rations, providing immediate relief. Yet, we understood that sustainable change could not be achieved without equipping communities to support themselves. We expanded our vision to include educating people on creating self-sustaining villages, using simple, organic horticulture and food production methods. As we grew, we adapted various methods to address water and food production needs, not just in Nicaragua, but around the globe. We are proud to have projects across the Southeastern US, as well as in Ghana, Nigeria, Guatemala, and more.

Today’s Impact

Raised Ministries now provides a myriad of services that foster sustainability and food security. Our raised bed gardening processes are at the core of our work. In addition to this, we undertake chicken, goat, tilapia, and rabbit raising projects designed to offer communities diverse food sources and organic fertilizer. Bee-keeping and well-drilling initiatives further enhance our mission by ensuring effective pollination, honey production, and access to water. Our work empowers individuals, villages, and groups to grow their own food, move towards sustainability, and thrive independently.

Our Guiding Principles

Our vision of 'Raised Beds, Raised Crops, Raised Hopes' drives all that we do. Our purpose is to model the Christian message by helping people move towards self-sustaining food practices and food security. Our core values, grounded in biblical teachings, guide us every step of the way:

Compassion (Mark 6:34 - 44)

Evangelism (Mark 16:15)

Disciple-making (Matt. 28:18 - 20)

Giving (Luke 6:38)

Mercy (Matthew 25: 34 - 40)

Sacrifice (John 12:24 - 26)

Our work, while local in its immediate impact, is global in its scope. We strive to share our model and processes in local, regional, national, and international venues.

Join Our Cause

We invite you to join us in our journey. Your support, be it through donations, volunteering, or simply sharing our mission with others, can make a significant difference. Learn more about how you can get involved and help us raise hopes, one garden at a time.

Office: Mooresville, NC

Call: 980-621-1208


Raised Ministries, Inc . Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved